Love is friendship on fire
I once heard that love is friendship on fire. But then you can´t have love if you don´t have friendship first. Love is something that you build and it´s something you should hold on to when you find it. Sure you can have love on first sight, but sometimes you can´t. Sometimes love on first sight is your true love and sometimes love fades. But if you ask me then I would say that love on fire is the love that I want. I also think that friendship on fire is that kind of love that I want and I once belived that I was going on that direction but what a hell, who know, maybe it can go there if we just give it time. All I know is that i miss hanging out with you and that tings went totaly wrong. Maybe it was to intense with all the history just around the corner, I don´t know All I know is that I will wonder for a long time what could have happened and for me I think that I will se it like there always will be there some how, whatever I want it to be or not. And this is the big thing why I miss school and our class.
Postat av: Mika
oj. tunga saker på kvällskvisten. kanske ska prova att gå och lägga dig i tid istället...
Postat av: Pappa förstås
Tunga grejor. Natt kanske. Instämmer. Natten kan vara förrädisk när tankar ska redas ut. Utsövd äger.
Postat av: Isabel
Ojj det där var djupt..
Appropå klassen, middag på torsdag kl sex. Samling på torget ;)